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Windjammer Parade 2022
Captains' Handbook

The Windjammer sailing parade for everyone unites traditional and modern sailing boats into a collective, unique image on the Kiel Fjord. We are glad that you are part of it.

Moin Moin dear captains and crews,
with a warm "ahoy!" we welcome you to our home port Kiel. We hope that you will spend some extraordinary days in our wonderful state capital by the sea during Kieler Woche 2022.

As a little help during your stay in Kiel.Sailing.City we have collected all important information in this handbook. However, should anything be unclear, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to assist you at any time.

We wish you a pleasant stay and the best sailing conditions for the coming days.

Your state capital Kiel



At a glance

Traditional sailing ships will be free of charge
This year we will again waive the fees for habour due, ship berth and quay dues.

Welcome culture
All traditional ships are welcomed personally and receive a welcome gift as a thank you.

The concierge service will be happy to answer all your organizational questions.

Bread roll service
For breakfast on board we have arranged a service that will provide you with fresh bread rolls every day.

Kieler Nachrichten
Every morning we deliver the daily news with a hot-off-the-press issue of the Kieler Nachrichten.

From water to land
We provide you and your crew with strip tickets for public transport. With these you can travel through Kiel and all the way to Schilksee.

Viele Segelschiffe auf der Förde

Parade on Saturday, 25 June, 2022 - Windjammer sailing parade for everyone

  • 9.30 am

    The participating ships are ready to leave port.

  • 9.45 am - 10.25 am

    The ships have left their berths and proceed to their waiting areas (Picture A).

  • 10.45 am

    In case of favourable wind, sails will be set in the inner fjord. This does not apply to the sport boats.

  • 11.00 am

    Start  – The ships leave according to the assigned formation. A small group of traditional ships leads a group of modern ships.

  • 1.00 pm to 1.30 pm

    Finish – The imaginary line between the light buoys 5 and 6 is passed by the participating ships. 

  • 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm

    The ships in the Windjammer sailing parade for everyone return to their berths.

Waiting Areas | Picture A

Waiting areas - öffnet vergrößerte Ansicht

Course of the Parade

Course of the parade - öffnet vergrößerte Ansicht

Parade Formation

Parade formation - öffnet vergrößerte Ansicht


A parade will be formed and sails from the waiting areas outward bound on Saturday June 25th, 2022. The leader of the Windjammerparade will be the sail training ship “Gorch Fock”.


The participating vessels are arranged in divisions from Alpha to Foxtrot. Each division has a leading ship (guide). These guides are ordered alphabetically, containing the number one: A1, B1 etc. They are followed by a formation of other sailing ships numbered A2, A3 etc., B2, B3 etc.

From 09.30 am onwards, the participants of the parade are ready to leave their berths. The members of the different divisions Alpha, Bravo, Charlie etc. proceed to their waiting positions on the east banks. 

Between 10.50 am and 11.00 am the parade director on board the “Gorch Fock” makes the starting signal via VHF channel 11

Afterwards, the leading ships leave their waiting positions by divisions and proceed north within the buoyed shipping channel.

ATTENTION: The ferry ”Color Magic“ will arrive at the turning basin (54°19,6‘N 10°09,2‘E) at about 09:30 am. The ship will turn and head backwards towards berth 21, Norwegenkai.

The Windjammer sailing parade for everyone proceeds northeast with an approximate speed of 4 knots and passes the lighthouse Friedrichsort. It finishes when the imaginary line between the light buoys 5 and 6 has been crossed. 

Nevertheless participants have to continue until they at least reach light buoy 4. Those who want to return to the port of Kiel are only allowed to do so when the last ship of the parade
has crossed the line between the light buoys 5 and 6.

All leading ships are manned by experienced pilots. Pilot on board of the „Gorch Fock“ is Captain Martin Finnberg, Elderman of the Pilot Fraternity NOK II. From 09:30 am until the end of the parade, all participants, safety advisers and official vessels have to keep watch on VHF channel 11.

Participants who are not able to keep their position in the parade due to certain technical problems have to leave the formation according to navigational rules. They have to inform the operation management (WSA Baltic Sea, water police, port authority on board of the „Scharhörn“) via VHF and call for tug assistance if needed.

Spectator vessels are not allowed to interfere in the forming-up on the east side of the fjord. They are free to sail alongside the parade once it has started. Out-bound traffic has to depart from the berths in the port of Kiel by 10:30 am at the latest.

Berths have been allocated at the Sartorikai, Germaniahafen, Willy-Brandt-Ufer, Bahnhofskai, ZTS (Seefischmarkt) and Blücherbrücke and at Tiessenkai. All changes will be announced by port authority.

Charts and / or nautical handbooks may be obtained from:

Nautischer Dienst Kiel
Maklerstraße 8, 24159 Kiel
+49 431 33 17 72

The leader of the Windjammerparade Gorch Fock


A0 MS Scharhörn (Einsatzleitung)
A1 Gorch Fock
A2 Abel Tasman A3 Adelante A4 Albert Johannes
A5 Amazone A6 Amphitrite A7 Atlantis
A8 Avatar A9 Banjaard A10 Belle Amie
A11 Jachara
Vertigo Aino Nølle Broström Skarabäa
  Largo Kandooma Enjoy  
B1 Shabab Oman II
B2 Catherina B3 Clara B4 Concordia
B5 Mare Frisium B6 De Albertha B7 Ebba Aaen
B8 Elegant B9 Elida B10 Oban
B11 Die Zwillinge von Kappeln
Vela Mahalo Never Blue Ka-Rah Chimuchurri
  Azart Betty Blue ORCA  
C1 Alexander von Humboldt II
C2 Ella C3 Engelina C4 Ethel von Brixham
C5 Eye of the Wind C6 Jane C7 Gorm
C8 Hansekogge C9 Henriette C10 Hendrika Bartelds
Frau Holle Faarao Malta Ardea Grand Lilli D.
  Malin Vinco Nordstjernen  
D1 Dar Mlodziezy
D2 Jantje D3 Juliana D4 J.R. Tolkien
D5 Knurrhahn D6 Lisa D7 Landrath Küster
D8 Luciana D9 Mirounga D10 Minerva
D11 Sampo  
SY Hägar
Extasy SY Pleasure
SY Tigger IV
E1 Thor Heyerdahl
E2 Oosterschelde E3 Pegasus E4 Providentia
E5 Runbjarn E6 Ryvar E7 Gulden Leeuw
E8 Seestern E9 Zuiderzee E10 Regina Maris
E11 Seute Deern
Hannah Störtebeker
F1 Roald Amundsen
F2 Santa Barbara Anna F3 SK Tradewinds F4 Stortemelk
F5 Swaensborgh F6 Twister F7 Ubena von Bremen
F8 Vegesack BV2 F9 Zephyr F10 Artemis
F11 Samyrah
Solay Yale Blue Jules Verne Anna Germania VI
  Mare X Volante
SchiffsnameNationLänge (m)Breite (m)Tiefgang (m)LiegeplatzTyp
Abel Tasman NLD 40,50 6,50 2,40 Tiessenkai 2-Mast-Schoner
Adelante DEU 19,00 5,00 2,20 W.-B.-Ufer Gaffelkutter
Albert Johannes NLD 46,00 5,90 1,55 Blücherbrücke 3-Mast-Schoner
Alexander von Humboldt II DEU 65,05 10,06 5,10 Sartorikai Barkentine Grosssegler
Amazone DEU 24,85 5,36 1,80 W.-B.-Ufer See-Ewer Gaffelketsch
Amphitrite DEU 44,35 6,00 3,90 Sartorikai 3-Mast-Schoner
Artemis NLD 59,00 7,00 3,50 LP 25 3-Mast-Barkentine
Atlantis NLD 59,00 7,40 4,50 LP 25 Barkentine 
Avatar NLD 34,50 6,40 3,10 Tiessenkai Toppsegelschoner
Banjaard NLD 38,00 5,80 2,00 Tiessenkai 2-Mast-Schoner
Belle Amie DEU 38,00 6,30 3,10 Sartorikai Heringslogger
Catherina NLD 39,50 6,30 2,90 Blücherbrücke 2-Mast-Toppsegelschoner
Clara DEU 10,00 2,50 1,50 Spoha Wellingdorf Jugendsegelschoner
Concordia DEU 17,50 4,00 1,90 Alte Bahnhofsbrücke Kielschwertgaffelketsch
Dar Mlodziezy POL 108,85 14,00 6,80 Bastion  Segelschulschiff
De Albertha NLD 33,50 5,20 1,10 W.-B.-Ufer  Cornish Trader
Die Zwillinge von Kappeln DEU 21,10 4,50 1,80 W.-B.-Ufer  Lotsenkutter
Ebba Aaen DNK 24,00 4,85 2,50 Germaniahafen Haikutter
Elegant NLD 37,80 6,25 1,65 Tiessenkai Zweimast-Klipper
Elida DEU 17,50 4,77 2,30 Hörn-Querkai Haikutter
Ella DEU 12,80 3,50 2,00 Germaniahafen Colin Archer
Engelina DEU 28,36 5,58 1,80 Tiessenkai Koftjalk
Ethel von Brixham DEU 30,00 5,80 2,90 Blücherbrücke 2-Mast-Gaffelschoner
Eye of the Wind GBR 40,23 7,02 2,80 Tiessenkai Brigg
Freedom DEU 34,00 6,50 3,00 Hörn-Querkai Gaffelschoner
Gorch Fock DEU 82,10 12,00 5,35 Tirpitzhafen Bark mit Hilfsmotor
Gorm DEU 12,86 3,30 1,50 Bahnhofskai Motorsegler
Gulden Leeuw NLD 70,10 8,50 3,80 Sartorikai 3-Mast-Schoner
Hansekogge DEU 24,24 7,78 2,60 Seegartenbrücke Hansekogge
Hendrika Bartelds NLD 49,00 6,65 2,80 Blücherbrücke 3-Mast-Schoner
Henriette DEU 11,00 3,30 1,50 Germaniahafen Zollkutter
Jachara DEU 30,00 6,00 2,80 W.-B.-Ufer Schoner
Jane DEU 14,80 4,40 2,20 Germaniahafen Haikutter
Jantje NLD 32,00 5,90 2,40 Blücherbrücke 2-MastSchoner
Juliana DEU 13,80 3,60 1,70 W.-B.-Ufer Gaffelkutter
J.R. Tolkien NLD 42,00 7,80 3,00 Blücherbrücke Gaffeltoppschoner
Knurrhahn DEU 11,75 3,80 1,30 Germaniahafen Krabbenkutter
Landrath Küster H.F. 231 DEU 28,50 6,10 2,10 W.-B.-Ufer Hoschseefischkutter
Lisa DEU 14,50 3,76 2,20 Germaniahafen Haikutter
Luciana NLD 39,00 6,60 2,50 Tiessenkai Schoner
Mare Frisium NLD 49,00 6,70 3,30 Sartorikai 3-Mast-Schoner
Minerva NLD 49,00 7,00 2,00 Sartorikai 3-Mast-Gaffelschoner
Mirounga DEU 18,00 4,40 1,70 Bahnhofskai Gaffelketch
Oban NLD 39,00 6,60 2,80 Blücherbrücke Schoner
Oosterschelde NLD 50,00 7,50 3,00 Sartorikai Nord 3-Mast-Schoner
Pegasus NLD 36,00 6,00 1,20 Tiessenkai Klipper
Providentia DEU 29,90 6,00 2,55 W.-B.-Ufer Kutter-Ewer
Regina Maris NLD 48,00 6,90 2,80 Blücherbrücke 3-Mast-Schoner
Roald Amundsen DEU 49,80 7,20 4,40 Sartorikai Brigg
Runbjarn EST 18,00 5,00 1,50 W.-B.-Ufer Fischkutter
Ryvar DEU 38,00 6,64 2,80 Sartorikai Herinslogger
Sampo DEU 21,00 4,60 1,82 Germaniahafen Gaffelketsch
Samyrah DEU 19,36 4,00 1,80 Sartorikai Schoner
Santa Barbara Anna DEU 46,00 7,00 3,70 Sartorikai Toppsegelschoner
Seestern DEU 19,75 3,80 1,80 Sporthafen Wellingdorf Gaffelketsch
Seute Deern DEU 37,07 7,12 3,50 Sartorikai Gaffelketsch
SK Tradewinds DEU 17,30 4,10 2,35 W.-B.-Ufer Segelkutter
Stortemelk NLD 39,90 6,50 2,90 Blücherbrücke/Sartorikai 2-Mast-Schoner
Swaensborgh NLD 49,00 5,85 2,30 Blücherbrücke/Sartorikai 3-Mast-Toppsegelschoner
Thor Heyerdahl DEU 49,38 6,53 2,65 Sartorikai 3-Mast-Toppsegelschoner
Twister NLD 28,00 6,90 2,40 Blücherbrücke 2-Mast-Schoner
Ubena von Bremen DEU 23,23 7,62 2,25 Germaniahafen/Ecke Bastion Hansekogge
Vegesack  BV 2 DEU 35,60 5,40 2,50 W.-B.-Ufer Gaffelketsch
Zephyr NLD 35,00 6,00 2,20 Blücherbrücke 2-Mast-Schoner
Zuiderzee NLD 40,00 6,80 2,30 Blücherbrücke 2-Mast-Schoner
Private Boote
NameLänge (m)Breite (m)Tiefgang (m)Typ
Vertigo 10,30m 1,60 m 3,33m  Vindö 45
Aino 10,55m 1,90m 3,25m Segelyacht
Nølle 10,06m 1,80m 3,36m  Granada 33
Broström 7,50 m  0,90m 2,80m  
Skarabäa 10,80m 1,20m 3,20m Ketch
Kandooma 10,50m 1,90m 3,50m Swedenyacht C-34
Enjoy 11,30m 1,95m 3,75m Hanse 370
Vela 10,75m 1,75m 3,45m Segelyacht
Mahalo 10,00m 1,60m 3,05m Granada
Never Blue 13,40m 2,90m 3,70m Luffe 43
Chimichurri 10,01m 2,30m 3,40m Segelyacht
Ka-Rah 12,50m 2,00m 4,00m Slup
Betty Blue 12,32m 2,10m 3,90m Segelyacht
ORCA 10,60m 1,70m 3,40m Dehler 34
Grand Lilli D. 12,55m 1,75m 3,99m Segelyacht
Frau Holle 12,20m 2,10m 3,80m X-40
Farao 11,00m 1,40m 3,30m Nauticat 33
Malta 15,40m 1,85m 4,80m Benetaeau Oceanis 500
Nordstjernen 23,00m 2,40m 4,55m Haikutter
Ardea 12,00m 1,65m 4,00m Segelyacht Hanse 400
Vinco 13,50m 2,10m 3,90m Segelyacht
SY Pleasure 11,40m 2,00m 3,98m Hanse 385
Fjorgyn 11,18m 1,75m 2,75m Luffe 37
SY Tigger IV 11,20m 1,50m 3,85m Beneteau 361
moneypenny 11,40m 2,06m 4,00m Hanse 388
Okeanos 13,00m 1,80m 3,50m Nauticat
SY Hägar 11,50m 1,95m 3,45m Sloop
Extasy 16,00m 1,00m 4,60m MY
Störtebeker 10,00m 1,60m 3,40m Bavaria 33
Janine 12,80m 2,00m 3,72m Viking 42
Allegra 13,21m 2,30m 4,20m Baltic 43
Four 11,35m 1,80m 3,75m Hanse 370
P.H.-Princess 8,00m 1,25m 2,48m Segelboot Delanta 80
Hannah 10,16m 1,60m 2,90m Segelyacht
Hessen 14,80m 1,00m 3,75m Ex-Polizeiboot
Germania VI 22,50m 3,50m 4,50m Bermuda Yawl
Sólay 10,70m 1,95m 3,60m Dehler 34
Largo 11,88m 1,80m 3,50m ColinArcher MS
Morgenstern 14,83m 1,25m 4,72m Motoryacht
Jules Verne 14,95m 1,30m 4,60m Verdränger
Azart 10,00m 1,80m 3,30m Segelyacht
Samyrah 19,36m .1,80m 4,00m Schooner
Malin 10,93m 1,80m 3,44m Hanseat 70 B
Yale Blue 10,00m 1,70m 3,00m Vision 32
Mare X 11,00m 2,08m 3,20m x 362 sport
Anna 10,70m 1,80m 3,35m Comfortina 35
Volante 14,00m 2,20m 4,32m Segelschiff

Im Interesse Ihrer Gäste und Passagiere können Schiffe dieser Gruppe der Parade folgen, die Parade außerhalb der Formation begleiten oder die Parade auf einer sicheren und erlaubten Position vorbeifahren lassen.

Dampfschiffe und Begleitschiffe
SchiffsnameNationLänge (m)Breite (m)Tiefgang (m)Liegeplatz
Bris DEU 13,65 3,05 1,10 Querkai
Bussard DEU 40,60 8,10 3,30 Museumsbrücke
Ekke Nekkepen DEU 24,00 5,80 1,60 Pegelbrücke
Elch DEU 22,50 6,50 1,96 W.-B.-Ufer
Freya DEU 51,60 11,40 2,20 Bahnhofskai
Hanseatic DEU 49,87 9,65 1,31 Bahnhofskai
Koi DEU 53,46 4,80 1,80 Bahnhofskai
Potsdam DEU 86,02 13,00 3,95 Bahnhofskai
Sprott DEU 17,06 4,20 1,36 div.
Stadt Kiel DEU 29,00 7,30 2,40 Seegartenbrücke
Stettin DEU 51,75 13,43 5,60 Bastion / OUH LP8
Woltman DEU 22,24 5,54 2,50 Museumsbrücke
Weitere Traditionsschiffe im Kieler Hafen
SchiffsnameNationLänge (m)Breite (m)Tiefgang (m)LiegeplatzTyp
Banjaard NLD 38,00 5,80 2,00 Tiessenkai 2-Mast-Schoner
Björn DEU 9,00 2,50 1,45 Germaniahafen Logger
Catherina NLD 39,50 6,30 2,90 Tiessenkai 2-Mast-Toppsegelschoner
Freedom DEU 34,00 6,50 3,00 Hörn-Querkai Gaffelschoner
Galatea DEU 10,65 3,15 0,80 Germaniahafen Kutter
Gorm DEU 12,86 3,30 1,50 W.-B.-Ufer Motorsegler
Gothmann DEU 24,00 6,00 1,00 Bahnhofskai Raddampfer
Greetje DEU 12,50 3,60 1,25 W.-B.-Ufer Barkasse
Henriette DEU 11,00 3,30 1,50 Germaniahafen Zollkutter
Karoline of Kirkwall DEU  15,00 3,80 2,80 Germaniahafen Heringskutter
Knurrhahn DEU 11,75 3,80 1,30 Germaniahafen Krabbenkutter
Libertad DEU 22,65 6,40 1,95 W.-B.-Ufer Kriegsfischkutter
Lovis DEU 36,50 5,50 2,70 Bahnhofskai Fracht Logger
Mirounga DEU 18,00 4,40 1,70 Bahnhofskai Gaffelketsch
Odin DEU 15,00 5,00 2,10 Germaniahafen Gaffelgetsch
Odin DEU 26,20 7,02 1,50 W.-B.-Ufer Schlepper
Sampo DEU 21,00 4,60 1,82 Germaniahafen Gaffelketsch
Sternchen DEU 6,50 1,70 0,80 Germaniahafen frz. Küstenfischerboot
Sturmvogel DEU 13,00 3,35 2,10 Germaniahafen Gaffelketsch
Zuversicht DEU 30,00 6,00 2,20 Germaniahafen 2-Mast-Schoner
Viele Segelboote und Schiffe auf der Windjammerparade auf der Kieler Förde bei Sonnenschein

Your Contacts

Port authority (head office)
+49 431 901 10 73

Port authority (head office)
+49 431 901 11 73

Port authority (Berths)
+49 431 901 20 64  oder +49 431 901 20 66
VHF channel 11

Hafenamt (Service 24/7)
+49 171 649 73 73

Schleusenmeister „Neue Schleuse“ 
+49 431 360 34 65
„Kiel-Kanal 4” UKW-Kanal 12/VHF channel 12

Verkehrszentrale NOK
+49 485 288 53 69
„Kiel-Kanal 3” UKW-Kanal 3/VHF channel 3

Pilot station Kiel Leuchtturm
+49 431 360 34 36
„Kiel-Pilot” UKW-Kanal 14/VHF channel 14

Pilot station Kiel-Holtenau
+49 431 36 28 58
„Holtenau Pilot” UKW-Kanal 12/VHF channel 12

Hauptzollamt Kiel
+49 431 66 390

Bundespolizeiinspektion Kiel
+49 431 98 26 18 70

Hörnbrücke, Leitstelle SFK
+49 431 594 12 63

Verkehrszentrale Travemünde, Kiel Traffic
UKW-Kanal 67/VHF channel 67

Kiel, Lorentzendamm 28-30
+49 431 592 10 50

Kiel, Rendsburger Landstraße 187
+49 431 68 99 102

Great Britain
Kiel, Maklerstraße 11-14
+49 431 33 19 71

The Netherlands
Kiel, Europaplatz 5
+49 431 980 2100

Hamburg, Gründgensstraße 20
+49 40 61 18 70


Water police station Kiel
+49 431 160 16 10

Police boat „Falshöft”
+49 151 12 23 32 09

Fire brigade


Municipal Hospital Kiel
Chemnitzstraße 33
+49 431 16 970

University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein
Campus Kiel, Arnold-Heller-Straße 3 
+49 431 59 70

Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre Bremen
+49 421 53 68 70 (24/7)

Seenotrettungskreuzer „Berlin“ of DGzRS (Laboe harbour)
+49 171 211 10 33

In Kiel gibt es Reparaturmöglichkeiten jeglicher Art.

Tugs are available on demand. The leading ships (guides) of the divisions A–G have a pilot on board.

In Kiel you can find all kinds of repair facilities.

Gebr. Friedrich Schiffswerft
Prieser Strand 15 a, 24159 Kiel
+49 431 39 42 70

Lindenau GmbH - Schiffswerft und Maschinenfabrik
Christianspries 30, 24159 Kiel
+49 431 39 930

Rathje - Yacht- und Bootswerft
Prieser Strand 14 a, 24159 Kiel
+49 431 220 920

KSK Kai Service Kiel Ostufer GmbH
Ostuferhafen 15, 24149 Kiel

Your Concierge Service Crew:
+49 160 99827747

Bunker One Germany GmbH
Dalwitzhofer Weg 22a, 18055 Rostock
0381 779 98690

  • Stationed in Kiel and all other german harbours
  • Opening times: daily
  • Delivery will be made by barge or fuel tanker
team energie GmbH & Co. KG
Wittland 12, 24109 Kiel
0431 64856

  • Opening times: daily 7a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Delivery will be made by fuel tanker

Garbage containers are situated ashore, close to the vessels.

Pumping the bilges is strictly forbidden.

The port’s collecting devices must be used to hand in sewage and oil residues.

Information can be obtained from the Port Authority:
+49 431 901 11 73 oder
+49 171 64 97 373

Segel eines Traditionsschiffes